What we do

Big Boat Sailing - Lots of sailing. Evenings. Weekends. Fair weather and the occasional "snotty" weather. Hundreds of nautical miles a season.

Small boat sailing, rowing, swimming, and other water activities.

Training weekend cruises and trips. Overnight non-stop sails. Long cruise.

Maritime College and Academy visits.

Local, middle distance (45nm +), and long distance (100nm +) racing. Days and nights.

Maintenance & projects - Looking after our boat, equipment, and gear is critical. We keep things "ship shape" and to high safety standards. It's sometimes hard work and always worth it.

Special trips - Interesting and different things year round defined by the youth members. Ski Trip. 

Planning - For trips, for practice, for fundraising, for recruiting.

Service projects - Because. 

Building knowledge and skills - Seamanship. Navigation. CPR. First Aid. Safety at Sea.

...and lots more... all defined and lead by youth members.

And why we do it... 

To expand our horizons. 

Friendship, Seamanship, Leadership, Challenge, and of course Fun!